Writing and developing my website are 2 separate hobbies

Published on 2023-02-01

Every time I sit to write something for my website I end up writing code instead of words for humans. It’s an occupational hazard, it’s what I mostly do for 8 hours a day and it just comes easier to me. It’s yet another form of procrastination. I imagine it doesn’t help that I use the same tool for both activities (my code editor), which makes it impossible for my brain to distinguish them visually.

Part of me thinks that once I have my website just the way I want it, I will be free to write all the posts in the world. It’s the same part of my brain that, when I wanted to learn guitar, made me buy a really nice guitar instead of just playing the perfectly fine guitar I already had. Or when I want to read more, I end up buying new books instead of reading one of the many unread books on my shelves.

Buying books and reading books are 2 separate hobbies

The truth is, nobody cares what my website looks like as long as it’s legible. And the other truth is, I’m not even writing these posts for people to read them, I’m just using them as a tool for thought/journal. It’s the disease of focusing so much on the result that you miss out on the pleasures of the process (I recently listened to an interesting podcast about this).

Using a plain text editor seems like a good start.